Monday, August 30, 2010

me and aich at gusto

Eiko says...

Here are a few pics from the outing Aich and I had at Gusto--my work place now.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

got a job

Eiko says...

On our way out from having some quality girl time together at a nearby Gusto, Aich and I noticed a billboard in the entrance way announcing the need for more workers. I thought of writing the shops number on my hand so that I could give them a ring later on in the evening, ( because believe it or not, I still was job-less) Aich reminded me of the modern convenience in my back pocket--the keitai! I hit my forehead with my palm in a 'Duh! stupid me' kinda way, and proceeded to take a picture of the whole billboard, with all the bits of information on it, and made a mental note to call them up as soon as I finished my night shift in Cafe Marche.

That evening, I called the shop, and had a civil conversation with the Tenchou. I was expecting a man to be on the other side of the line, mainly because I distinctly remember the Tenchou being male last time Boris and I applied for Gusto. Complications were in our way at the time so we ended up not working there, but I remember clearly how nice the man was, and how cool it must be working for him. I guess he quit or was moved elsewhere. Whatever the case, the new Tenchou was definitely not a man,...or a woman for that matter. I would say something in the middle of a monster and a monkey.

Anyhow, I got a interview scheduled for 9 AM the next day. This was the first indication that the Tenchou was not mentally healthy. I'm not in the best of moods in the morning, and in order to be there at 9 AM, I had to get up at 7 AM to get ready and looking presentable. That's a rather early start, and the sizzling hot, sweaty walk to Gusto didn't help my moods to lighten up very much. I got there and was told to fill out a resume at one of the tables, which I did, and after filling it out in the most attractive way I thought my resume could possibly appear, I rung the bell and waited...

Moments later, in the seat directly in front of me sits this woman, with no shape to her body whatsoever. Her face was gaunt, black, and wire rimmed glasses balanced on her nose in a peculiar way. A sharp bob that didn't compliment her face shape made her look stupid, and her not wearing make up made her look like a man. She had bony fingers that reminded me of an anorexic patient, and her mouth appeared to have 2 ton weights attached to either side. People like this woman and George W. B. keep the theory of Evolution alive! You see them and it's understandable as to why some believe that we have monkeys for ancestors! She also looked and acted perpetually constipated, which worried me since we all know how awful that can be. She also sat as if she had a stick up her ass, and so I thought I'd do her a favor and politely asked if I could lend her a hand in pulling it out. This kind offer on my part was not received so kindly. I just got the blank, no-emotions, constipated stare, and I gave up on helping her... until I realized that the woman sitting in front of me was the Tenchou of Gusto,the lady I talked to on the phone...who could very possibly end up being my future boss, if all went well with the interview. I was like, 'Damn it! Not cool!'

She quickly took a glance at my resume, lingered a bit on my TOEIC score, asked a few questions as to why I wasn't getting an English related job if my English was as good as it seemed, asked me a few questions about my past job experiences, and then pushed my resume aside and just stared at me. I was like....woah. Then she started threatening.

"Little girl, you may think you know what the word, 'strict' means, but you will never know the true meaning of that word until you've worked here, under me. Boys cry, and most of the girls quit within the first few months. You may think that work here is easy, but you're wrong. You may think that it could possibly be fun, but you're wrong. You may think that it's a glorious job that you'll enjoy doing, but you're wrong. The work here is not easy, it's not fun, it's not glorious, and it's likely that you won't enjoy it. We are quite hard on people, and proud of it. So if you do get the phone call of acceptance here, I want you to come to work knowing what you're getting yourself into."

I was like..."Uh, dudess, if you made me cry, that would make me a mega loser. I have better things and people to cry over, and you are the last person on the face of the earth that I feel like wasting tears on. Go figure! But know that I've worked in hard situations. I've got experience in cooking and waitressing, and I've been given the responsibility of taking full charge over one of my old work places,--cooking, working the register, serving the customer and the cleaning--all by myself! I'm good with customers, I'm a fast learner, and I don't whine. And although totally irrelevant, I'm fluent in English and have my TOEIC score to prove it. So, yeah, go figure again!"

I didn't care if I was bluffing 80% of everything I said! She annoyed me! Who on earth talks like that to a perfect stranger? Making boys cry isn't something to boast about! I wouldn't have any of it. I was determined to prove to this lady that I would not be one of her victims.

The interview was short and went smoothly. I was still sickened by everything about her. I even found a part of me hoping that I wouldn't get the job! She was a 100%, no non-sense phyco.

Yesterday, while recovering from a fever and a migraine, I get a call. I got the effing job! That phyco lady hired me. I have nothing more to say. My search for employment is over and I'm happy about that. Then a mental picture of her pops in my mind, and I feel like puking.

God, spare me from hell!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

like this

Eiko says...

Rule #1 Never be sappy or emotional or depressing on Two out of Twelve.

Enough said. Over.

Chocolate! Go!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

kick ass voice & stripping old man

Eiko says...

Ladies and gents, my apologies for the absence. Once again, I have many excuses, but they're all lousy, so I'm not going to waste your time, or my precious finger energy by listing them up.

Knowing how word spreads faster than light here in JP TFI, I'm sure most of you have heard about how Dawn and Yasu and I are getting an apartment together. It's likely that I mentioned that at least twice somewhere on this blog. But whatever! The exact date is the 1st of September and fast approaching!! I need to start packing and purging....AGAIN! You know, I've been doing a lot of moving around recently--from T.O.M Home to Icthus Home to Lodge Home, and now I'm off to a brand new beginning with Dawn and Yasu and Kippins, and that's all within 10 months! But more than needing to pack and purge, ( which should be fairly easy since all the clothes and the stuff and the clutter haven't left the fit-cases since coming here ) I need to get my ass a damn good job! Okay, forget the 'good' part. I just need a damn job that doesn't pay poop. Pray that I find one.

The above was the updates. Below is everything else.

I've recently caught a pretty bad 夏風邪, and consequently, I sound like a man. No joke. A very sick man. Give me a ring, and you'll know what I'm talking about. You probably won't even recognize my voice.

I'll answer the call and you'll be like,
"Woah, FREAK! Give Eiko's cell back to Eiko!"
And I'll be like,
"Dude, (or girl friend or whatever) this is Eiko..."
And whether you believe me or not is something else.

I'm actually on my way to recovery, but in the hight of my summer cold, my head hurt, my throat stung, my nose was runny, my stomach was upset, and to top it all off, I was on my bloody monthly. I was also slightly emotional over a certain personal something, and all of that combined made a very miserable me. The worst part about the cold was my throat. I think what really gave my voice that extra husky, raspy touch was going to karaoke, and not just drinking the drinks and eating the snacks, but singing for 5 hours straight! If I didn't have a throat cold, singing for 5 hours wouldn't have given such fantastic results. Unfortunately, there was the throat cold issue. I had loads of fun regardless, but we must not forget the consequences.

Cafe Marche--The Unexpected Strip Show

We have an older customer who I'd agree to count as a regular. He drops by often enough, although mostly during the Friday and Saturday nights when we have the live music going on. He's 80-ish-years-old, and he reminds us of his age each time he drops by. Did I mention that I've never seen this man enter our cafe sober? He only drops by after he's drunk himself tipsy somewhere else. Anyhow, one Friday evening, he swings by Cafe Marche, tipsy as always, and orders a beer, and than another beer, and then whisky, and then wine and on and on and one he orders. I'd say it was less then 15 minutes until he started singing and clapping his hands AND dancing all over the cafe, trying to get the other customers to join him, and making little to no sense when he orders or tries to make conversation! His moment of glory (and embarrassment if he'd remember anything at all the next day) was when he starting stripping! I'm not kidding. He stripped! Thank the good Lord he kept the stripping to the upper half of his body. I gave Stephan a quick worried glance, but Steph was laughing his head off. I was like 'cool!' and quickly joined him. I mean, this skinny, genki yet crazy, old ojiiichan started taking his clothes off, stood in front of the stage where J.D. and the other band members were performing, and spread his arms wide, and began jigging, saluting people, and making a huge fool out of himself! The other customers had quite the show, and were laughing as well. I kind of felt sorry for the ladies he was trying to persuade to dance with him. Once the ojiichan realized he wouldn't get any luck from the customer ladies, he came over to me and began insisting that I dance with him. I had to give him the, no-can-do-I'm-working-talk. He was too high to be offended. Alcohol is indeed a magical beverage.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Dick in a Box

Eiko says...

It's waay to hot and humid to think straight, so blogging is completely out of the question. BUT!! Posting a You Tube vid isn't all that tough, and so here you go: Dick in a Box!!

If you need something to get you laughing like hell, watch this!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Akita Trip

P.B. says...

We will be going to Akita tomorrow and would be back by the 21st. I'm so happy that Boris will still be coming with us, even when all the other older brothers and sisters have abandoned us(shame on you!!). Well, I suppose it is okay traveling with only a few for a change. It makes it easier for everyone―More oxygen and space in the car, and makes moving more faster. Besides, Granny's cottage isn't big enough to house all of us.

Anyway, I think I wouldn't be able to post during our trip. We're going to bring the internet connection thingie there, but not so sure if it would work, but you can be expecting something about our trip after I come back.

That's about it. Mom and my good older sis is banging me over the head...
Good night. gtg...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

kissing and pick up lines for idiots

Eiko says...

These two vids are hilarious!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Post #2 of summer vaca 2010

Eiko says...

The list of movies I watched during my 6 day vacation:

Staring Christina Ricci and Liam Neeson, 'After Life' is about a young woman caught between life and death...and a funeral director who appears to have the gift of transitioning the dead, but might just be intent on burying her alive. My least favorite movie that I watched this week.
A movie about a young shut-in takes an imaginary road trip inside his aparmtent, based on mementos and memories of a European trek from years before. A very quirky film with loads to get you cracking up! The charactor 'Bunny' reminds me of a messed up version of my dear bro Hiki. Loved this one!
It's an epic 2004 film staring dear old Denzel Washington, and I finally got around to watching it! It's about a former assassin who swears vengeance on those who commited an unspeakable act against the family he was hired to protect. This film is one of those rare gems that Hollywood produces. A must-see!
This film reminded me of Oceans 11, but had it's original twist to it. I must say, I loved Jason Statham in it! Classic movie, great plot, good acting! Loved it!
A sweet 'chic-flick' with a touch of magic! Cute story, cute guy, cute plot! The perfect 'light' movie after something like 'Man on Fire'!
The BEST zombie movie EVER, across the board! I really enjoyed this one! A great comedy to sit down to and laugh your heart and waist line away to!
What can I say? Nicholas Sparks did it again with one of his sappy love stories that always sting... in a sad kind of way. It was realistic, sweet, sad DRAMA! I liked it though. Channing was awful cute in it.

The places I ate with Boris during our 6 day vaca:

'Cmon! Mc 'D is classic! Regardless of the fact that it tastes like tasted c
ardboard, you have to go there at least once during a vacation, and we went like... 3 times! An all time favorite is the cheese burger and their coffee! A new favorite is their 'juicy chicken' that they sell for 100 yen per piece. It's a fairly new addition, and if you haven't tried it yet, I highly recommend it! You won't be disappointed!
You also gotta love their new Mc Cafe' designs! Quite classy if I may say so myself.

They totally shrunk their 'Twisters', and their potato fries aren't worth eating, but their chicken is to die for, and so we ate there once. Delicious.

Only for their drink bar and for the fact that they are open 24-7! Went there twice and enjoyed many leisurely talks with Boris over their drinks.

-Cafe Marche
Steph held true to his word and let us eat for free at Cafe Marche for filling in a shift d
uring our vacation. It's a completely different feeling if you're in the cafe as a customer! Loved Sam waiting on me! Haha!

-Made pastas on several occasions. An all time fav!

All in all had a smashing vacation! Rested up, watched a great deal of great movies, cached up with my BEST friend, and am ready for the MOVE that will be happening first thing come September! We FOUND the PERFECT APARTMENT! It has a loft, and a balcony and plenty of space to breath and live! I can't wait to move in! Woo hoo!

And I need an effing job!!!

Drinking coffee at Gusto waaay past midnight!

On our way to Shibuya, we decided to take some pictures of our shadows!

Sushi night!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

here, take my seat

Eiko says...

On the train back from Shibuya, all hot and sweaty and tired, squashed against strangers like sardines in a can, holding on to the bar for dear life in the moving train, I saw something beautiful take place.

The business man who was sitting in front of me started getting out of his seat, put his bag where his ass once was in order to keep the seat secure, and began shifting towards I-have-no-idea-what. I was clueless as to what he was trying to do, and tried to make sense of his actions. Moving out of his snug seat through human-sardines in a jostling train during rush hour? Honestly, I questioned his mental stability. Well, a few moments later I found out that he was probably the most mentally stable human on this train as I saw him leading a woman who looked around 7 months pregnant through the maze of humans against humans, and offered her his seat! She seemed to be exhausted and in pain, and I was so proud of that businessman for noting her in this crowded train, where everybody is smooshed up against everybody else. He just earned the 'Knight-in-shining-armor-title' of the day!

What I really wanted to know was what the HELL was wrong with all the big-time-Losers who were sitting closer to this obviously pregnant woman and didn't offer her a seat! She was literally the 'damsel in distress' desperately needing a hero! The pathetic part about it was that she was surrounded by able bodied humans who could have easily been her hero! There weren't any wild beasts or evil mythical monsters to fight off in order to rescue her from the pain she was feeling! All she needed was someone who was selfless enough to get back on their tired feet, fight back the pride, and offer her a place to sit. There should have been at least a dozen guys throwing themselves at her to lend her a hand! Unfortunately there was only one of them that cared enough. And he wasn't even sitting close to her!!
What a messed up world!

Yeah, SUPER messed up!! I mean, after witnessing this heroic act unfold before my very eyes, I wanted to celebrate the beauty of the moment with someone, and so turned to Boris who was squashed against me and began praising the kind business man who was such a gentleman--the only gentleman in the cart, apparently. Then Boris let out a long sigh as she shifted her heeled feet from side to side and said,

"That's exactly why I wanted to purchase one of those pregnant-mommy-tummy-suits! With one of those strapped on, and a bit of acting on my part, I would have a seat of my own by now!"

Well, Boris, at this rate, fat chance! If the businessman didn't notice the real pregnant lady, she would still be seat-less and suffering!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

2010 summer vaca day 1,2,3,4

Eiko says...

Welcome to the first of my 2010 summer vacation post! The very one and only Boris is here to contribute to the fun, and together, we are wreaking havoc on the Adachi-ku night streets and loving every moment of it. We live a complete night life over here where we sleep half of the morning away, and laze the rest of the afternoon through with movies and naps and snacks, and we reserect from the zombie life that we lived all morning and come alive after the sun sets, and hit the streets--like vampires! Eff the Collins! They're #ussies! The Matsuoka vamps know how to rock the night life. I mean, my great grand dad knew how to party better than Edward, and I don't even know my great grand dad!

Day #1 (29th)

The Adachi-ku Hanabi taikai was the perfect kick start to my vacation! Since it was raining buckets all morning, not to mention the terrific wind that was blowing everything in it's path away, I honestly thought that they'd cancel it. But a few hours before the designated time, the rain stopped and they carried on as planned! Okasan ordered an amazing amount of sushi, and the home bought the drinks. Beer is the ultimate omatsuri beverage EVER--a definite must-have. As if that weren't enough, (well, there never really is 'enough' when it comes to food) J.D. made awesome fried chicken and even more sushi! You can't go wrong with stuff like that. Boris came in just time to enjoy the yummies! Kampai to an amazing vacation!
After we finished dinner, we went out to Gusto for a late night out. We chilled and chit-chatted over a drink bar until an ungodly hour, and finally got home at around 4:30 AM ish. Yup. I was serious about the "night-life" thingie.

Day #2 (30th)

Slept in, and had a brunch over a movie called "After Life". It was interesting. I think I liked my granola that I was eating better than I liked the movie. But than again, my granola was pretty damn good! Boris has a to-die-for recipe for the best granola that you could ever imagine eating, and she made me some of this kick-ass granola! I'm loving it!
Anyhow, after the movie, we napped. I was woken from that nap by Ken, who had a proposition to make:

"We have around 30 customers and we were hoping you would lend us a hand with the waitressing. Stephan says he'll pay you and give you a free meal from the cafe."

I think I mumbled something that resembled I'll think about it, and rolled over and continued my nap. After a few more minutes of Zzzzs, I rolled out of bed, and decided that it wouldn't hurt to have some extra vacation money, although my first thoughts were along the lines of 'no ways am I working a shift in the cafe during my vacation!' Well, I ended up agreed to taking the shift despite it being my vacation and Boris was cool enough to lend the cafe a hand too!
With the time we had before our shift, we made a tiramisu for the movie night we were planning with Dawn and Yasu, and then I ran Boris through the steps of waitressing at Cafe Marche, and got her outfit together. The steps of waitressing at Cafe Marche is nothing complicated. Just gotta keep your eyes peeled for the customers happiness, memorize your standard lines, be polite and SMILE!
Boris and I had the 6 to 8 shift, and I was shocked to enter the cafe that was jam packed with 30 customers! That's a ton of people considering the fact that our cafe looks packed with just 20 customers!
A secular band was performing, and all of his fans decided to show up! The majority of the fans were women, and for very understandable reasons. The guy was cute (although very short), and had this knock out wife and adorable child! They were by every standard, the 'looks' couple for sure. I guess the wife explained the male fans that showed up that evening.
Anyhow, it was hectic and confusing, but knowing that we were getting paid was very comforting. After our shift, we watched 'The Italian Job' over the tiramisu that boris and I made. Loved that film! We got to bed at around 2:00 AM. Not so late.


Woke up fairly late, dragged ourselves out of bed and had a brunch over a movie called "Bunny and the Bull". I laughed so hard, it would have taken the place of an abs work out!! Very quirky, hilarious and sweet all in one film!
After lazing around a bit more, we walked to the only mall in walking distance, window shopped, and stopped by a Mc. D on our way back, which we stayed at till 10:30. Walked home and called it a night.

Day #4

No sleeping in today! Got up at normal time and went out with Dawn and Yasu to check an apartment that we had our eyes on for a while. It seemed like a dream when we found it online, but when we actually walked through the house, and saw exactly how fantastic it really was, I just knew we had to live there! I want it so bad! Pray that there are no complications in getting this baby!
Got back and watched "Man on Fire", another epic by Denzel Washington, over a brunch. Loved everything about this movie! It's a must-see if you haven't yet. After that, Went out for a bit of shopping and ate a meal at Cafe Marche with Boris. I appreciate the cafe a lot more when I enter it as a customer rather then the waitress. And that's as far as day 3 goes, because now, I'm blogging, and I'm not so sure about our future plans! Will update you all with more as it comes.


I applied for Baskin Robbins! Pray I get the job! I neeeeed it!
