Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Yum, yum!!

This is my Yum Yum post! I'm always ready for a...

*Sandwich. I like it with lots of fresh lettuce, ham, cheese, avocado, and think slices of onion. Tomatoes are optional.

*Roast BEEF!! ALWAYS!! Too bad our oven decided to desert us.

*It's not an always food, esp since I'm trying to put some distance between myself and refined sugar, but I still like chocolate. It's especially nice when it's dark. If it's junky chocolate, (as in cheap chocolate/ extra junk-food like chocolate, nothing beats snicker bars!!)

*Salads. All salads, really. But there's got to be a good dressing to go along with it, and if there's avocados, all the better. I'm such a fan!
*I'm absolutely attached to mixed nuts! It's nice if there are lot's of pistachios and peanuts in the mix. Wasabi Kaki-peeees are almost as hot as mixed nuts.

*Shrimp and Avocado go together like peas and carrots. This combination is a winner.
*And last but not least, my very favorite Jim Caviezel! I'll always be hungry for seconds!!
His smile and biceps are TODIEFOR!!! My dear friends Kaori, Mitch and Shiro know this very well. Kari and Mitch made a Jim Caviezel 2009 Calendar for my Birthday, and Shiro drew me a super impressive picture of Jim Caviezel. In this way, I'm pathetic.

The above is my "Yum, yum!!" list.

It's actually a lot longer.
*Pasta (Not the creamy kind. Simple is best)
*Green Tea
*Brad Pitt
*eggs in all forms.
*Baked Chicken.
*Chicken salads.
*Heath Ledger
*Rainbow Trout
*Owen Wilson
*Most white flesh fish

It's longer yet, but I'm stopping here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You got lots of yum yum's. I can agree with you about the Chocolates. I like them too.

