Eiko says..."O.M.G! You two are totally related, aren't you?"
An older man who had just finished eating the omuraisu I made for him said as he came to return his tray to our shop. Yuriko and I looked at each other as we rolled our eyes.
"That's right," I said, with a here-goes-again-shrug, "we're sisters."
"I KNEW IT! You two are twins, right? You look like twins..." He said, all bright and chirpy.
"No, sir. We're NOT twins. Just sisters." I replied as I mentally calculated that this would be the 3rd time someone commented on how Yuriko and I looked so much alike. (Not including our co-workers, mind you, who see us every time we go for work!)
"Kidding me? You two have got to be twins." He insisted.
"Yeah, we get that a lot," I said as I took his tray from him and started working the washer.
"Nah....you two .... you've gotta be twins..." The old man mumbled to himself as he thanked us for the omuraisu and walked away.
I mumbled, "whatever."
The above conversation happened as often as the customers came when Yuriko and I used to work together at our old work place.
OKAY! I got your point! NOT!
Yeah, we're sisters, but we DON'T look alike.
None of us Matsuokas do... Not to the point that you should mistake one for the other.
But neither of us mind people thinking we look alike despite the facts that we don't. We're sisters, after all, and it's nothing out of the ordinary. 'Sides, Yuriko is awful cute, and looking like her is not a problem. :)
Commonly, people say I look like Yuriko. It's the happy rare occasion when people say that I look like Seiko. But I was down right disturbed when somebody said I looked like Sam!!! I think I lost some sleep over that one. Heh, heh!
POINT BEING, we don't look alike, but it's okay if you think we do. We'll just roll our eyes and say 'whatever'. And if you love me, then you'll keep comments like, "Woah, you look like your brother Sam!" to yourself. Like I said, I lose precious sleep over it. I happen to love my sleep very much.
Okay, well, I found these two photos of us where we're both sorta making the same face, and we even sorta look a like. Sorta...

Coming to think of it, I am now further convinced that God knew exactly what He was doing when He made Yuri and I look so different. I mean, imagine the naughty tricks we could play on unsuspecting victims if we looked alike. We would use our similar looks fully to our advantage... oh no...
Mental note to self:
Stupid blog post.