Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Eiko says...

It's been a while since I've posted, but I've got a wonderful string of excuses:

*I was busy preparing for the Kids Camp.
*I was busy staffing the Kids Camp.
*I was busy getting sick after the Kids Camp.
*I was busy recovering from the nasty cold I caught from the Kids Camp.
*I was busy making excuses and being lazy.

By the way, a huge thanks to all of you who kept this Camp--and me in particular-- in your prayers. I did NOT die as I thought I would, the night bus thingie was uneventful in a good way (a.k.a no perverts), the facility's staff were accommodating, the food was edible, the kids were generally well behaved, and I had fun. I only sorta collapsed at the very end of the camp, in the car that took me back home.
No biggie.

After staffing last year's OC camp, I could barely pull myself out of bed for the next couple of days. I was completely void of any kind of strength, and I felt like a zombie lady. This camp though, I didn't feel like a zombie lady by the end of the camp, although completely exhausted, and I actually thought that I could get away without getting sick. I was very wrong.
First day after the camp, I was just simply exhausted. The second day after the camp, I felt a very strange, stinging in my throat. The 3rd day after the camp, I had a nasty cough, my head was throbbing, and strangely, my whole back ached, and I would feel faint and dizzy when I'd stand up. I definitely got sick.

And now, I'm getting better! Yay!

And here is some exciting news:
I am going to change Homes!


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