Eiko says...
Everybody, a tragedy happened yesterday morning. My baby laptop put himself to sleep, never to wake up again. The doctors (a.k.a Sam and J.D.) are trying everything, but I can tell by the look in their eyes, and the tone of their voices that my laptop has permanently moved on to 'the other side'. I think he was tired and weary of this world. I should have hidden that pistol more carefully. Damn it!!
Anyway, I'm in mourning now, and I'm planning on mourning for a few more days. I mourn the loss of the lonely nights which I used to spend with my laptop, watching a film, browsing YouTube, blogging, etc. It will take a while to get used to 'single life'. I don't think I ever will. Which is why I'm planning on buying a new one!! That is of course, after I get a job and save up for one.
Speaking of which, I'm looking for a job, and I've got a few options. Be nice, pretty please, and pray that I get a good one.
New Stuff:
*David Stine left for the States a few days ago, and before he left, we all had a bye-bye party for him over beer and whiskey and stuff. Will miss his strange ways and addicting humor. Have a great time over there, David!
*A good friend, Yuri-chan, came over, and me and Aich had a girls night out with her over drinks and yummies. I haven't seen that girl in ages! I hope you find yourself some good luck in Nagoya! Come visit us again!!
*Me and Aich are presently going through a highly addicting TV series known as, "Desperate Housewives", much to Kenny Benny's horror and disghust!! He finds the series repulsive. I don't know what he's talking about!! Aich and I managed to find time to squeeze in 3 full episodes today, despite the busy schedule and all! Just shows that you make time for what you really want and believe to be important. We're insane!
*The lovable Dawnie and Yasu and Kippins are moving in the day after tomorrow!! I'm happy beyond words!
Cafe Marche News:
The little stage that situates in the right corner of our cafe is living up it's worth! Aside from Up Country's weekly performance on Friday and Saturday evenings, we are staging a variety of other bands as well, both secular and TFI, amateur and professional.
The music is one of our biggest attractions, and when we have live music playing, customers flock!!! On top of the music, the fact that we serve alcohol is a recipe for busy nights for the staff at Cafe Marche. The other night, one of our regulars invited 7 friends to chill out at our cafe to the live music and food and drinks. The same night, we had a family who reserved 6 seats for a Birthday special. That night was crazy busy! Aside from these two groups--who ordered up a storm,-- we had our usual customers, who kept us, the floor staff, very busy! Around the second session of music, we had intoxicated customers dancing jigs, hitting on the waitresses, and singing along as if they were at karaoke! Keeping tabs on orders that people randomly yell at you from across the room, and remembering who yelled those exact orders, in the midst of live music and dancing and horny men being horny, is NOT the easiest thing. But whatever. It can be fun.
We have our insanely busy days, where all of the Marche Staff feel as if they are going to go nuts, and we also have our insanely slow days, where we feel like we are going to go nuts because of sheer boredom. But considering the fact that we've only been in business for less than 3 months, I'd say we're doing a great job. Keep praying for us! This whole thing is a new experience for us. It's very exciting.
stronger than night
9 years ago
Who's computer do you use for blogging?
Dawnie is being a sweet heart and is lending me her lap top!
I would like to exchange links with your site eikoakari.blogspot.com
Is this possible?
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