Saturday, February 6, 2010

omg. . .

Eiko says...


Happi Baasudei!
You are all of our favorite oldest brother, and we are all in respect and awe!!
Have a good 30th year!

This conversation happened today, on your Birthday, while walking through fresh snow with Boris.

Me: Boris, fall down on your back and make a snow angel!
Boris: No effing ways! I'm going to get wet!
Me: Don't be silly. It's powder snow! You know you won't get wet!
Boris : Fine!! How about my butt will freeze? And even if Johnny Depp carved his initials on my butt, I wouldn't feel a thing!!
Me: You want to feel something?!
Boris: Duh!! It's Johnny freakin' Depp!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what in ze wald iz whatafa eh?
