Saturday, March 6, 2010

It's called being nineteen

Eiko says...

I had a fantastic 19th Birthday.
It was very relaxed and enjoyable. I did end up cooking my own "Birthday Dinner", but it was no biggie since I was cooking something I personally wanted to eat, and also since we had the ingredients for it. Dinner was a tomato-based chicken pasta, and it turned out quite decently! Dear Boris made desert, (check out the photos!) which was melt-in-your-mouth delicious! I ended my relaxed Birthday with a bottle of wine, a few chu-hais and Shrek 2.

If David Cook magically appeared out of thin air, and sang "Always Be My Baby" to me with his angelic voice, THEN I would have been sinfully happy.... it would have been WAY too sinfully perfect, it would have been WRONG!

I really like this song.

No, my Birthday was perfect as it was.

All those of you who contributed to it being as wonderful as it was by remembering my Birthday and called, or skyped me, or wrote me, or prayed for me, or even simply thought nice thoughts about me, THANK YOU! *Hugs and more hugs*

With the last minutes before I turned 19, in my slightly tipsy state, I was looking back on my 18th year and noticed that it was the most relaxed and laid-back year I had in over 5 years! Year 12 was iffy, 13 was purgatory, 14 was hell, 15 was that and a bit more, 16 was weird, 17 was getting better, but 18 was quite relaxed (bad-emotions-wise) and even enjoyable! In fact, 18 was a fantastic year! It was generally void of bad emotions like depression and I also wasn't obsessing over or recovering from stupid, life-draining, depressing eating disorders--something that was a very big part of my teen years.

I have a feeling this year will be better though. Definitely challenging and not without it's difficulties, but happy and better. We'll see, I guess.

You know, sometimes I wonder why I tend to be such a baby about certain things, or immature, or childish, (or whatever you wanna call it) when I'm already 19 and blah blah blah. Mom and Dad are like, "Wha?! You're 19? Reeeeaaaaally?" But then I realized that it's probably because I spent my pre-teens, and early teen years being down-right depressed and boring and mental! Now that that stage is over, it's time to start LIVING, and experiencing and feeling! I'm making up for the the teen years I missed!!

Now, that doesn't mean I don't want to grow or mature this year. I'm sure I'll be doing a lot of maturing up. But maturiety comes with experience, and experience comes with age. I've missed a few years of expereince by being a mental case, but with time I'll catch up.

You'll see.


James said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Eiko! Hope the next year's a good one for you.

Eyeliner said...

Thanks, James!

Unknown said...

Love you Ei :) It was so nice to see "very end of 18" you!

Eyeliner said...

I don't look much different though. Maybe by the end of the year, right before I turn 20 I'll seem a bit different,...a bit more weird , maybe? Heh!

MEg said...

YUMMMY! Yuri uchi no tanjyoubi onegaina! :P EIKO! HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY!muahs!

Eyeliner said...

Isn't Boris amazing?
Each time she makes something, it's better than the last.
