Eiko says...
When you're emotional, or moody, or stressed, what is your default?
Are you a...
emotional-->ACTION (a run/jog, major pumping in the work out room, punching things, hitting things/people, etc.)
emotional-->FOOD (chocolate, ice-cream, potato-chips, any kind of junk-food, etc.)
kinda person?
Me? Well, I'm a girl, so I'm usually in the emotional--> food category. It always puzzled me how guys could actually work out or even put enough power in a punch when they're emotional.
Dude: You know, I've been getting pretty big these days.
Me: Ahhh, been putting on the pounds with all that emotional binging you've been doing?
Dude: Haha! I meant I've been in the work out room to get my mind off of things, you know?
Me: No, I don't know. I mean, I don't understand.
But since most guys work out, run, punch, or hit when their moody, and they all testify to how it helps, I figured that it must really work, and I decided to give it a go next time I'm stressed. "Next time" happened to be this evening. So instead of attacking the fridge (which never has much of anything inside anyways) I decided to focus my pent up energies on a work out, and I was very happy with the results. It got my mind off of things, and I really enjoyed myself.
stronger than night
9 years ago
So this is where you write these days, you never told me :(
How are you, where is it you live now? ^-^
I DID!! I really, really did tell you, and was surprised you never commented. Haha! Just in case I didn't though, I'm sorry.
Miss you.
And I'm fine thanks. I'm adjusting to the new surroundings, etc.
How's life on your side?
Um i would be action/pain.....
action for sure...and when you do a serious workout, you get a buzz afterwards.
I think I'm some of both. There was one time that I got emo and I took a speedy bike ride through a typhoon to Kisarazu (when we lived in Chiba). I think there are two different kinds of emotional though. One of them is a very pumped kind that can't sit still and is racing with thoughts and tinglies and the other is a kind that is depressed and hopeless and wants to sit down and feel ugly. If you see me buying a carton of whipping cream, and you ask me what it's for and I have no real answer, I probably need some prayer. Heh.
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