Sunday, January 31, 2010

U try it 2

Eiko says...

I succeeded in getting my Dad and Mom to say "nespi" over and over again.

Dad cracked up.

Mom wouldn't stop saying it.

They both loved it!



Elena said...

hahha that's so funny! Oh Eiko!! I found this blog aaages ago but I could never comment, but I've been following it ever since! ;) I was checking out your art and was just telling Lixy how freakin amazing you are. AHHH too good for words. Love you!

Eyeliner said...

You're such a sweetheart! Both you and Lixy should come and visit!!

Isamu T said...


kenfrog said...

Oooooh god that is the end of the world.

Eyeliner said...

It's the cutest thing evah!

Yuriko (unashamed) said...

dad loves his nespi!!! (I like nespi too.)
