Eiko says...
I will be absent for about 10 days, visiting the PC/LIM and the HCS. So lucks to me. (A big thank you to the PC/LIM for accepting me on such short notice. I promise, I'll be on my best behavior! ) In the mean time, this blog will be in the faithful hands of Akari, and she will keep you and me updated with the latest of life at Icthus Home.
Last night was one painful memory. My period cramps were at it's worst, and I was literally paralyzed from chest down. All I could do was lie on the living room floor, having a stare-down with the clock hanging on the wall, hating every moment of it. The only thing that came to mind that would dull the pain I was going through was alcohol. So I put on my, "husky, scary voice" on, and called Mom, threatening her that if she didn't get me alcohol, (and lot's of it) she'd come back to a house with ripped shouji paper, broken windows, and a completely mental, 18 year old daughter. She thought I was hilarious and started cracking up. I thought I was hilarious too and I laughed with her. Laughing and coming up with new threats to get Mom to buy me lot's of alcohol made my evening less painful.
Boris decided to join in on the fun, as she grabbed the softbank from my hand.
Boris: Hey, Mom. If you don't get me and Eiko 3 tall, strong chuj-hai cans EACH, I will shave all my hair off!!
Mom: Hahahaha! That's so funny! And why would I care about your hair anyway?
Boris: Because, Mom. When your important sheep come over and they are being disturbed over my buzzed hair-do, I will tell them that I am GAY!! It will stumble them forever, and cause them to question your beliefs!! Then they will stop supporting you. Then... you know what happens after that?
Mom: Oh, no!
Boris: Exaaactly. That's why, Mom, what you wanna do is ...
etc etc etc.
Did we get our alcohol? Well, since Boris' argument was far better, Mom only bought alcohol for her. And get this: Mom even bought Boris some wasabi-kaki-pees! Nuts!!
I had to endure my killer-period-cramps alone, and without comfort.
I was planning on just calling it a night by 9:00, but being that I sleep in the living room, (my room is smaller than a inmate's cell, and I room with Boris!!) I had a full hour till official lights out time.
Fan of Two out of Twelve says:
I thought you had insomnia and you stayed up all night hating yourself for not being able to sleep. So, what's up with calling it a night at 9:00???
Well, yes, I do have insomnia, but I've been sleeping much better these days--5~6 hours, as oposed to 1~3 hours of sleep. By midnight, I try my best to be comfortably in bed. Little things affect my sleep very easily though--a short doze on the couch in the afternoon, coffee past 3 pm, bad cramps, problematic people and situations, etc.
On with the post!
So, I lay there in pain, just hurting, hurting, hurting, and wondering what I could do to help time fly. Just then, 3 angels in times of destress started chatting me, and that kept me occupied for the rest of the night.
Annoying fan of Two out of Twelve says: I thought you were "literally paralyzed?" How can one chat when they are "literally paralyzed"?
For one, I was being sarcastic about the "literally paralyzed" thingie, and secondly, I said "literally paralyzed from chest down"! (Get your facts straight!!) I have mastered the amazing talent of typing while laying on my stomach, AND my computer was on the living room floor with me to begin with. I didn't have to get up from my painful position on the floor to get my lappie, and therefore, anything "chest down" did not have to move an inch.
On with the post!!
After my dear friends deserted me for sleep, ( being that it was past midnght,) I got our beloved YouTube out, and watched reeeaaaallly old boy bands till my eyes gave out. I was ready for sleep.
I went to sleep thinking, "Boy bands suck."
Why I told you all that, is beyond me. I'm typing whatever comes to mind right now, and when I do that, it's kinda hit and miss, if you know what I mean.
And now, nothing comes to mind.
I guess it's time to cut off, huh?
Well, take care, be safe, and have a good one.
Oh, and btw! You might have noticed that the commenting problem is fixed, but just in case you didn't, I thought I'd announce it here, that it is indeed fixed. If you still can't comment, than there's probably something wrong with your computer.
WANAGESANNN! Looking forward to seeing YOU! ^_^
u2, sweetheart!
Peg, you made me sound like a brat!! (Well, I AM a brat, but that night I had REASONS. legit reasons.)
Coming to this area? Visiting LIM/PC and HCS? what about here???
Boris is brilliant.
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